Who looks outside, dreams: who looks inside, awakes.

C.G. Jung


3.0 hrs

A Sacred Cannabis Medicine Ceremony beginning with an invocation of the seven directions. You are then guided with focused conscious circular breath techniques that allows one to access their own autonomic nervous system and begin to self regulate the parasympathetic system (fight or flight) and sympathetic system (rest and restore). Breath or pneuma “breath of life” is the governor of consciousness, and is key to accessing higher states of consciousness. The personal journey portion of the session can last up to 1. 5 hrs and allows you to communicate with your inner conscious, unconscious, and symbolic self and beyond in a way that can be understood with ease. Clearing programs through synesthesia of visual perception with proprioception (body awareness) which allows for release of energetic discharges (clearing) from the body, activating and clearing energy meridians. The human body and specifically the nervous system, is both a receiver and transmitter for the unseen energetic realm all around us. In deep states of relaxation and heightened awareness you are able to tap into the nervous system and begin to navigate the infinite and timeless metaphysical realm.

At the conclusion of the journey, you are given time to slowly transition back into the physical realm. 1:1 Integration takes place the following day.

One can only truly understand one’s self in the light of inner happenings. The condition of total experience of reality without the recognition of SELF existence.

In this state the human soul becomes one with supreme spirit.

A safe container is created by your experienced guide is a trained breath facilitator, psychedelic guide and experienced space holder.

Guided 3 hour Medicine Journeys utilizing the medicine of breath alone are also available.


3 hr Session- $200.00

Book a single session:


2 Session package- $350.00- Save $50.00

Payment options available.

please email: info@whiterabbitcollective.net

For most, two sessions are needed to complete inner processes that begin in the first ceremony experience.

Group Cannabis Medicine Ceremonies available

Integration Session

30 minutes up to 1 hr

Integration is done 1 or 2 days after the medicine journey. Integration is allows for the extraction of the wisdom from our experience to nourish our psyche. Integration can be done over the phone or via online video platform. Integration focuses on how the themes and experiences within the journey session can be implemented into action and integrated into daily life, resulting in meaningful change. This provides a safe space to share experiences without the fear of interpretation or diagnostic labels. Practical guidance is provided on how to balance mystical and transformative experiences that occur within the journey. Integration goes hand in hand with the guided medicine journey and is required.


C.G. Jung

Book A Session

Ready to experience it for yourself or just want more information?

Contact us:


(405) 761-6981